A domain name is your unique name on the world wide web. Each site on the web is identified by a unique address akin to your registered business name. There are a number of domain choices available, the most common being '.com'. Recent days, Indian government has announced to register their business domains ended with '.in' and '.co.in'.
The other popularly used domains are '.net' and '.org'. You also have choice of using your country specific domains like abc.co.in for India; abc.co.uk for U.K. and others. We can register a domain name.com, .net, .org) for you for Rs. 499/- or USD 15.00 p.a. You can also book country specific domain names.
It would be ideal, if your domain name could be guessed from your company name, however, in your search you may not find it available. Should you give up? NO! The answer is "get creative".
Always research Domain Names, the same day you are planning on purchasing. It is probably safe to say that a new domain name is purchased every second of the day, therefore, if a domain name is available today, it does not mean it will be available tomorrow or even later on that same day.
Keep the domain name as short as possible
Owning a short domain name has its advantages. It's easy to fit into logos, makes a better brand, it is harder to misspell and it is easier to type as an email and on a browser.
A good domain name is unforgettable
Everyone remembers generic names, such as domain.com and msn.com; even more original names such as Yahoo.com and sify.com. Why? They are short. Other companies have combined words together in their Domain Names and they have been successful.
If you are seriously planning on creating a web site for your business, you need to consider purchasing a Domain Name, unless you have already done so. However, before you begin this process, you need to determine if your business name will depend on the Domain Name you find and choose. In other words, will your business practices be conducted primarily online?
To Search for Domain Availability and for Domain Name Registration through us, please click here.
.aero (Aviation) |
.biz (Business Organizations) |
.com (Commercial) |
.org (Organization) |
.edu (Educational) |
.gov (Government) |
.info (Open Top Level Domain) |
.int (International Organizations) |
.mil (Dept of Defense) |
.museum (Museums) |
.name (Personal) |
.net (Networks) |
.coop (Co-Operative Organizations) |
Domain Registration
Domain Registration & Hosting
Web Services