The development of applications involves the creation of a software solution that normally automates the processes of a business and is orientated towards their unique supply, support, service, management and processes.
This may be online and a unique feature to a website, a web application.
Extranet based to allow staff to work from home or access data whilst on the road or for customers to access specific information, a extranet application.
Intranet based to create paperless offices and streamline procedures and reduce management time, a intranet application.
 Content management systems allow complete instant control over your online information, they work within your website giving access to all updateable areas. Site features may be altered from within any Internet browser, meaning updates may be completed from any PC with an internet connection anywhere, with no extra costs for software.
Content management solutions are largely seen as being a web publishing tools or environments which enable a range of content to be easily published to the web, and for that content to be organised and managed in a coherent and effective way.
Each client has a dedicated advisor and single point of contact throughout their project, this service from initial conception to completion is complimentarily and your project manager will be available to answer your questions at your convenience.
DreamWorld is a professional web design company and has a large suite of software languages, technologies, hosting and developed solutions all created in house that ensures a competent solution to any website or application design project. We are so confident that our solutions are effective and competitive that your website design and application project up until the creation of the final specification is completely free of charge without obligation.